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Inițiativa privitoare la pensia de întreținere minor/Cheltuielile pentru vizitarea copilului

De la Wikimanuale, o colecţie de manuale libere !

If you "exclude" the Familly Allowance "Inseamna ca copil ar avea un venitul independent de contributiile noastre, ale parintilor. In acest caz inseamna ca nu ne mai referim in dosar la intretinerea unui minor fara venituri, asa incat instanta de judecata nu ar mai trebuí sa stabíleasca contributííle noastre, ale parìntilor, ia maximul legal de 25% si sa aiba in mod concret stabilita o suma la nevoile lui concrete."

Without going in our specific case, the Familly Allowances in our cases represent 580 euro,... and the custodian parents ask (and got with false declarations that I found it later,... so it was only our fault) 350 additional euro because the 580 euro were not enough,... for me it's just part of a strategy (PAS) he doesn't need the money he declared that he is earning 5.000 euro a month in Romania. But by getting the money,... my wife remain without money to see the child so the strategy work.

It's why is very difficult to adopt a grid, in France it's case by case (because they HAVE to consider the money that the non-custodian parent spend for having a good relationship with the child, it's part of the "INTEREST OF THE CHILD" (i;e; buying airflight tickets)), in Luxembourg there is no grid.