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Manual alienare părintească/Bibliografie originală

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  • Bază de date completă realizată de universitatea Vanderbilt cu toate publicațiile stiintifice pe tema alienării parintești disponibilă aici


  1. [A] Gardner, RA – Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS): Sixteen years later
  2. [B] Darnall, D – Divorce Casualties: Protecting Your Children From Parental Alienation
  3. [C] Pamela Richardon – A Kidnapped Mind
  4. [D] Jayne A. Major – Parents Who Have Successfully Fought Parental Alienation Syndrome
  5. [E] Gardner, RA – People Who Diagnose Parental Alienation Syndrome Are Sexist
  6. [F] Gardner, R.A. – The Parental Alienation Syndrome, Second Edition, Cresskill, NJ: Creative Therapeutics, Inc., 1998
  7. [G] Kelly, J. – Longer-Term Adjustment in Children of Divorce: Converging Findings and Implications for Practice. Journal of Family Psychology, 2(2), 119-139, 1988.
  8. [H] Ahrons, C., Miller, Richard – The effect of the Post divorce Relationship on Paternal Involvement: A longitudinal Analysis. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 63(3), 441-450, 1993
  9. [I]Kock M., Lowery C. – Visitation and the Noncustodial Father. Journal of Divorce, 8(2), 47-64, 1984
  10. [J] Dudley, J., - Increasing Our Understanding of Divorced Fathers Who Have Infrequent Contact with Their Children. Family Relations. 40, 279-28, 1991
  11. [K] Situl web Paskids.Com
  12. [L] Gardner, RA – The Parental Alienatin Syndrome: A Guide For Mental Health and Legal Professionals.
  13. [M] Gardner RA – The Role of the Judiciary in the Entrenchment of the Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)
  14. [N] Bala, N, Fidler, Barbara-Jo, Goldberg, Dan and Houston, Claire – Alienated Children and Parental Separation: Legal Responses in Canada's Family Courts, Queen's Law Journal 38: 79–138, 2007
  15. [O] Fortin, Jane – Children's Rights and the Developing Law. Cambridge University Press. pp. 263, 2003
  16. [P] Hoult, JA – The Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome: Science, Law, and Policy". Children's Legal Rights Journal 26 (1), 2006
  17. [Q] Dougherty, DB – The Law of Parental Alienation in Ohio (Parental Alienation is Relevant to Child Custody Decisions)
  18. [R] Hayward, S – A Guide To the Parental Alienation Syndrome
  19. [S] Gardner, RA – The Parental Alienation Syndrome... A Frequently Missed Diagnosis
  20. [T] Institutul European din Romania Cauza R.R. împotriva României
  21. [U] Sindromul alienării părintești în Wikipedia
  22. [V] Protocolul încheiat între ARPCC și Institutul de Psihologie Judiciară, girat de către Colegiul Psihologilor din România, disponibil la adresa web care definește alienarea ca o formă gravă de abuz emoțional.