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Simboluri diverse

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Simboluri diverse sunt un bloc Unicode (U+2600 – U+26FF) conținând figuri reprezentative pentru concepte din o varietate de categorii: astrologie, astronomie, șah, zaruri, notații muzicale, simboluri politice, reciclare, simboluri religioase, trigrame (cuvinte triliterale), semne de avertizare, vreme, și altele.




Bloc Unicode de simboluri diverse
Nume oficial Figură
Unicode # HTML Semnificație comună
Soare negru cu raze U+2600 ☀ Vreme senină
Nor U+2601 ☁ Nori, vreme noroasă
Umbrelă U+2602 ☂ Umbrelă, vreme ploioasă
Om de zăpadă U+2603 ☃ Om de zăpadă, ninsoare
Cometă U+2604 ☄
Steluță neagră U+2605 ★
Steluță albă U+2606 ☆
Lightning U+2607 ☇ Lightning
Thunderstorm U+2608 ☈ Thunderstorm
Soare U+2609 ☉ Soare, aur
Ascending node U+260A ☊
Descending node U+260B ☋
Conjuncție (astronomie) U+260C ☌ Circuit Deschis
Opoziție (astronomie) U+260D ☍ Circuit Închis
Telefon negru U+260E ☎
Telefon alb U+260F ☏
Ballot box U+2610 ☐
Ballot box with check U+2611 ☑
Ballot box with X U+2612 ☒
Saltire U+2613 ☓
Umbrella with raindrops U+2614 ☔ showery weather
Hot beverage U+2615 ☕ Tea, coffee
White shogi piece U+2616 ☖
Black shogi piece U+2617 ☗
Shamrock U+2618 ☘
Reversed rotated floral heart bullet U+2619 ☙ Binding signature mark
Black left pointing index U+261A ☚
Black right pointing index U+261B ☛
White left pointing index U+261C ☜
White up pointing index U+261D ☝
White right pointing index U+261E ☞
White down pointing index U+261F ☟
Skull and crossbones U+2620 ☠ Poison
Caution sign U+2621 ☡
Radioactive sign U+2622 ☢
Biohazard sign U+2623 ☣
Caduceus U+2624 ☤
Ankh U+2625 ☥
Russian cross U+2626 ☦ Patriarchal cross
Chi Rho U+2627 ☧ Labarum
Cross of Lorraine U+2628 ☨ Patriarchal cross
Cross of Jerusalem U+2629 ☩
Star and crescent U+262A ☪ Islam
Farsi symbol U+262B ☫ Coat of arms of Iran
Adi shakti U+262C ☬ Khanda
Hammer and sickle U+262D ☭ Communism
Peace symbol U+262E ☮
Yin and yang U+262F ☯ Taoism, Balance
Trigram for Heaven U+2630 ☰
Trigram for Lake U+2631 ☱
Trigram for Fire U+2632 ☲
Trigram for Thunder U+2633 ☳
Trigram for Wind U+2634 ☴
Trigram for Water U+2635 ☵
Trigram for Mountain U+2636 ☶
Trigram for Earth U+2637 ☷
Wheel of Dharma U+2638 ☸
White frowning face U+2639 ☹
White smiling face U+263A ☺
Black smiling face U+263B ☻
White sun with rays U+263C ☼ Compass
First quarter Moon U+263D ☽ Silver
Last quarter Moon U+263E ☾
Mercury U+263F ☿ Mercury (planet), Mercury (element)
Female sign U+2640 ♀ Venus (astrology), Venus (planet), copper, feminism
Earth U+2641 ♁ Antimony
Male sign U+2642 ♂ Mars (astrology), Mars (planet), iron
Jupiter U+2643 ♃ Jupiter (planet), Tin
Saturn U+2644 ♄ Saturn (planet), Lead
Uranus U+2645 ♅ For the astronomical symbol see U+26E2
Neptune U+2646 ♆ Neptune (planet)
Pluto U+2647 ♇ Pluto
Aries U+2648 ♈ Aries (constellation)
Taurus U+2649 ♉ Taurus (constellation)
Gemini U+264A ♊ Gemini (constellation)
Cancer U+264B ♋ Cancer (constellation)
Leo U+264C ♌ Leo (constellation)
Virgo U+264D ♍ Virgo (constellation)
Libra U+264E ♎ Libra (constellation)
Scorpius U+264F ♏ Scorpius (constellation), minim
Sagittarius U+2650 ♐ Sagittarius (constellation)
Capricorn U+2651 ♑ Capricornus (constellation)
Aquarius U+2652 ♒ Aquarius (constellation)
Pisces U+2653 ♓ Pisces (constellation)
White chess king U+2654 ♔
White chess queen U+2655 ♕
White chess rook U+2656 ♖
White chess bishop U+2657 ♗
White chess knight U+2658 ♘
White chess pawn U+2659 ♙
Black chess king U+265A ♚
Black chess queen U+265B ♛
Black chess rook U+265C ♜
Black chess bishop U+265D ♝
Black chess knight U+265E ♞
Black chess pawn U+265F ♟
Black spade suit U+2660 ♠
White heart suit U+2661 ♡
White diamond suit U+2662 ♢
Black club suit U+2663 ♣
White spade suit U+2664 ♤
Black heart suit U+2665 ♥
Black diamond suit U+2666 ♦
White club suit U+2667 ♧
Hot spring U+2668 ♨ Onsen
Quarter note U+2669 ♩ crotchet
Eighth note U+266A ♪ quaver
Beamed Eighth notes U+266B ♫ linked quavers
Beamed Sixteenth notes U+266C ♬ linked semi-quavers
Music flat sign U+266D ♭
Music natural sign U+266E ♮
Music sharp sign U+266F ♯
West Syriac cross U+2670 ♰
East Syriac cross U+2671 ♱
Universal recycling symbol U+2672 ♲
Recycling symbol for type-1 plastics U+2673 ♳
Recycling symbol for type-2 plastics U+2674 ♴
Recycling symbol for type-3 plastics U+2675 ♵
Recycling symbol for type-4 plastics U+2676 ♶
Recycling symbol for type-5 plastics U+2677 ♷
Recycling symbol for type-6 plastics U+2678 ♸
Recycling symbol for type-7 plastics U+2679 ♹
Recycling symbol for generic materials U+267A ♺
Black universal recycling symbol U+267B ♻
Recycled paper symbol U+267C ♼
Partially recycled paper symbol U+267D ♽
Permanent paper sign U+267E ♾
Wheelchair symbol U+267F ♿
Die face-1 U+2680 ⚀
Die face-2 U+2681 ⚁
Die face-3 U+2682 ⚂
Die face-4 U+2683 ⚃
Die face-5 U+2684 ⚄
Die face-6 U+2685 ⚅
White circle with dot right U+2686 ⚆
White circle with two dots U+2687 ⚇
Black circle with white dot right U+2688 ⚈
Black circle with two white dots U+2689 ⚉
Monogram for yang U+268A ⚊
Monogram for yin U+268B ⚋
Digram for greater yang U+268C ⚌
Digram for lesser yin U+268D ⚍
Digram for lesser yang U+268E ⚎
Digram for greater yin U+268F ⚏
White flag U+2690 ⚐
Black flag U+2691 ⚑
Hammer and pick U+2692 ⚒ Mining, working day
Anchor U+2693 ⚓ Nautical term, harbor
Crossed swords U+2694 ⚔ Military term, battleground, killed in action
STAFF OF AESCULAPIUS U+2695 ⚕ Medical term
Weighing scales U+2696 ⚖ Legal term, jurisprudence
Alembic U+2697 ⚗ Chemical term, chemistry
Flower U+2698 ⚘ Botanical term
Gear U+2699 ⚙ Technology, tools
Staff of Hermes U+269A ⚚ Commercial term, commerce
Atom symbol U+269B ⚛ Nuclear installation
Fleur-de-lis U+269C ⚜ France, Quebec, The Trinity, Scouting
Outlined white star U+269D ⚝ Coat of arms of Morocco
Three lines converging right U+269E ⚞ Someone speaking closed captioning symbol. From ARIB STD B24.
Three lines converging left U+269F ⚞ Background speaking closed captioning symbol. From ARIB STD B24.
Warning sign U+26A0 ⚠
High voltage sign U+26A1 ⚡
Doubled female sign U+26A2 ⚢ Lesbianism
Doubled male sign U+26A3 ⚣ Male homosexuality
Interlocked male and female sign U+26A4 ⚤ Heterosexuality
Male and female sign U+26A5 ⚥ Transgender, hermaphrodite (in entomology)
Male with stroke sign U+26A6 ⚦ Transgender
Male with stroke and male and female sign U+26A7 ⚧ Transgender
Vertical male with stroke sign U+26A8 ⚨ Iron (II) sulfate
Horizontal male with stroke sign U+26A9 ⚩ Magnesium
Medium white circle U+26AA ⚪ Asexuality, sexless, genderless, engaged, betrothed
Medium black circle U+26AB ⚫ Symbol for record function
Medium small white circle U+26AC ⚬ Engaged, betrothed
Marriage symbol U+26AD ⚭
Divorce symbol U+26AE ⚮
Unmarried partnership symbol U+26AF ⚯
Coffin U+26B0 ⚰ Buried (genealogy)
Funeral urn U+26B1 ⚱ Cremated (genealogy)
Neuter U+26B2 ⚲
Ceres U+26B3 ⚳ Ceres (dwarf planet)
Pallas U+26B4 ⚴ 2 Pallas
Juno U+26B5 ⚵ 3 Juno
Vesta U+26B6 ⚶ 4 Vesta
Chiron U+26B7 ⚷ 2060 Chiron
Black Moon Lilith U+26B8 ⚸
Sextile U+26B9 ⚹ Sal ammoniac
Semisextile U+26BA ⚺
Quincunx U+26BB ⚻
Sesquiquadrate U+26BC ⚼
Soccer ball U+26BD ⚽
Baseball U+26BE ⚾
Squared key U+26BF ⚿ Parental lock. From ARIB STD B24.
White draughts man U+26C0 ⛀
White draughts king U+26C1 ⛁
Black draughts man U+26C2 ⛂
Black draughts king U+26C3 ⛃
Snowman without snow U+26C4 ⛄ Light snow. From ARIB STD B24.
Sun behind cloud U+26C5 ⛅ Partly cloudy. From ARIB STD B24.
Rain U+26C6 ⛆ Rainy weather. From ARIB STD B24.
Black snowman U+26C7 ⛇ Heavy snow. From ARIB STD B24.
Thunder cloud and rain U+26C8 ⛈ Thunderstorm. From ARIB STD B24.
Turned white shogi piece U+26C9 ⛉ From ARIB STD B24.
Turned black shogi piece U+26CA ⛊ From ARIB STD B24.
White diamond in square U+26CB ⛋ From ARIB STD B24.
Crossing lanes U+26CC ⛌ Accident. From ARIB STD B24.
Disabled car U+26CD ⛍ From ARIB STD B24.
Ophiuchus U+26CE ⛎ Ophiuchus (astrology), new in Unicode 6.
Pick U+26CF ⛏ Under construction. From ARIB STD B24.
Car sliding U+26D0 ⛐ Icy road. From ARIB STD B24.
Helmet with white cross U+26D1 ⛑ Maintenance. From ARIB STD B24.
Circled crossing lanes U+26D2 ⛒ Road closed. From ARIB STD B24.
Chains U+26D3 ⛓ Tyre chains required. From ARIB STD B24.
No entry U+26D4 ⛔ From ARIB STD B24.
Alternate one-way left way traffic U+26D5 ⛕ From ARIB STD B24.
Black two-way left way traffic U+26D6 ⛖ From ARIB STD B24.
White two-way left way traffic U+26D7 ⛗ From ARIB STD B24.
Black left lane merge U+26D8 ⛘ From ARIB STD B24.
White left lane merge U+26D9 ⛙ From ARIB STD B24.
Drive slow sign U+26DA ⛚ From ARIB STD B24.
Heavy white down-pointing triangle U+26DB ⛛ Drive slow. From ARIB STD B24.
Left closed entry U+26DC ⛜ From ARIB STD B24.
Squared saltire U+26DD ⛝ Closed entry. From ARIB STD B24.
Falling diagonal in white circle in black square U+26DE ⛞ Closed to large vehicles. From ARIB STD B24.
Black truck U+26DF ⛟ Closed to large vehicles, alternate. From ARIB STD B24.
Restricted left entry-1 U+26E0 ⛠ From ARIB STD B24.
Restricted left entry-2 U+26E1 ⛡ From ARIB STD B24.
Astronomical symbol for Uranus U+26E2 ⛢ New in Unicode 6.
Heavy circle with stroke and two dots above U+26E3 ⛣ Public office. From ARIB STD B24.
Pentagram U+26E4 ⛤ New in Unicode 6
Right-handed interlaced pentagram U+26E5 ⛥ New in Unicode 6
Left-handed interlaced pentagram U+26E6 ⛦ New in Unicode 6
Inverted pentagram U+26E7 ⛧ New in Unicode 6
Black cross on shield U+26E8 ⛨ Hospital. From ARIB STD B24.
Shinto shrine U+26E9 ⛩ Torii. From ARIB STD B24.
Church U+26EA ⛪ From ARIB STD B24.
Castle U+26EB ⛫ From ARIB STD B24.
Historic site U+26EC ⛬ From ARIB STD B24.
Gear without hub U+26ED ⛭ Factory. From ARIB STD B24.
Gear with handles U+26EE ⛮ Power plant, power substation. From ARIB STD B24.
Map symbol for lighthouse U+26EF ⛯ From ARIB STD B24.
Mountain U+26F0 ⛰ From ARIB STD B24.
Umbrella on ground U+26F1 ⛱ Bathing beach. From ARIB STD B24.
Fountain U+26F2 ⛲ Park. From ARIB STD B24.
Flag in hole U+26F3 ⛳ Golf course. From ARIB STD B24.
Ferry U+26F4 ⛴ Ferry boat terminal. From ARIB STD B24.
Sailboat U+26F5 ⛵ Marina or yacht harbour. From ARIB STD B24.
Square four corners U+26F6 ⛶ Intersection. From ARIB STD B24.
Skier U+26F7 ⛷ Ski resort. From ARIB STD B24.
Ice skate U+26F8 ⛸ Ice skating rink. From ARIB STD B24.
Person with ball U+26F9 ⛹ Track and field, gymnasium. From ARIB STD B24.
Tent U+26FA ⛺ Camping site. From ARIB STD B24.
Japanese bank symbol U+26FB ⛻ From ARIB STD B24.
Headstone graveyard symbol U+26FC ⛼ Graveyard, memorial park, cemetery. From ARIB STD B24.
Fuel pump U+26FD ⛽ Petrol station, gas station. From ARIB STD B24.
Cup on black square U+26FE ⛾ Drive-in restaurant. From ARIB STD B24.
White flag with horizontal middle black stripe U+26FF ⛿ Japanese self-defence force site. From ARIB STD B24.

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